The great Jones gathering of 2012
Soooo, we came from various parts of the country and ended up (after several mishaps) at the same place for a fun-filled week of partying. We started the gathering at a local park where we did some dutch oven cooking and much needed running around before getting a good night sleep.
Day #1 of fun started with a big breakfast at IHOP to celebrate the birthdays of Colin, Jeff and Maura.
Grandpa Jonesy and Colleen gave each of them special birthday cards. They were a hit!
And then....we arrived!!
There was much fun had by all and many adventures.
Tower of terror was my favorite (Maura's too).
There was a little of this...but not as much as as we expected. their faces are a little deceiving, they had a terrific time!
And yes, we did meet the mouse!
It was such a fun time to be together. I have HUNDREDS of pictures to sort through, but I will post them...eventually.