Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day of School!

Yes, the time has come when parents either weep or cheer.  It's a little bit of both for me...

Dallin gets to miss AN ENTIRE WEEK OF SCHOOL!  Yes, you heard it right, I'm a terrible (read awesome) mother and I'm letting him join my uncles and my dad for a week long hunting trip in Wyoming.

He was up bright and early to be ready, then fell asleep waiting for his ride.  He was a little nervous to be gone so long, but the moment he jumped in the truck he forgot all about waving goodbye he was so enthralled in a conversation with his cousin.

My dad and uncles are hunting antelope and Dallin and his cousin get to shoot prairie dogs.  They both have bb guns and are ready for some action!
I can't wait to hear all the hunting stories. I'm hoping he doesn't bring back any trophies..

 Maura was up, dressed, had breakfast eaten and her lunch box packed by 6:30 am!  She is SOOOOOOO excited to go to school and learn how to READ!  She chose the outfit herself and then wanted a photo shoot...I'll spare you all of them.
A little closer to show her new haircut.  After her bath last night she wanted to cut her hair to get rid of the tangles like Sofia did.  So we whacked off about 2 inches.  It was suppose to only be an inch, but I'm not a professional and it took a little evening out...
 The dancer pose?
 This must be her sultry pose I guess?
Enough...this could go on all day! 

I sure hope she is as excited for school tomorrow!

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