Friday, August 31, 2012

I need to ride in the car more often with Maura...she always has such great things to say and it always happens when we are in the car.   Maybe it's because she's strapped down and can't run off and I am not distracted by other things (you know, except driving) and it's just time alone together.  Hmmm, maybe I should have more of that time with her.  But I digress...

Anyway, we were in the car and this is how the conversation went:

Maura:  Mom, I need to get stung by a bee.
Me: What?!?
Maura:  Yeah, I need to have a bee sting me.  I've never been stung and you tell me that I need to do things that I've never done before, so I think we need to find a bee to sting me.


The amazing part about all this is she is TERRIFIED of bees.  For an entire week she wouldn't go outside because she said she saw a bee outside and didn't want it to get her!  I guess now she's decided that the unknown is scarier than just going ahead and getting it over with!

That's a pretty good philosophy if you ask me.

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