Monday, April 9, 2012

Our neighborhood Easter breakfast and egg hunt is one of my favorites!  The Saturday before Easter we always have a breakfast in the park with pancakes, eggs, juice and friends!  The entire neighborhood is invited and it is ALWAYS a hit!
 Morgan and Maura found a spot on the ground to eat. 

**Note** (Insert embarrassed mother explanation complete with eye-roll...) Maura has drawers full of clothing. A closet full of cute, matching, new, beautiful clothes, and this is what she chooses to wear!  I even tried to bribe her into wearing something Easter-y.  She put on what I wanted, got her bribe, then promptly went into her room and changed into what SHE wanted to wear. Her argument: "Mom, it has pink on the ears and orange for the's an Easter shirt!". How could I argue with that?
Dallin is the same way.  He doesn't care if there are holes in the knees, or if the shirt is stained, on backwards, inside out, or if it doesn't match.  He will FIGHT me to wear what he thinks is comfortable no matter how unkempt he looks! My biggest complaint is that they wear the same things over and over again!
Most of the time it's not a battle important enough for me to fight.  So, my children constantly look like they are homeless.
In case you were worried about the Russell's and their obvious inability to afford clothing for the children...worry no more! My children have PLENTY of clothing, just not a lot of fashion sense!

 The Easter Basket pose.  (another eye-roll from me)
 "Searching" for eggs...har har
 Ella and Maura.  They have become good buddies lately!
 And the hunt is on!  Like a plague of locusts, nothing is left behind.
It was a success!

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